понеділок, 29 лютого 2016 р.

A Letter of Application

A letter of application may be written when we apply for a permanent/temporary job or educational course. It is usually formal; therefore, the appropriate language and expressions should be used.
Лист-заявка може бути написаний, коли ми подаємо заяву щодо постійної або тимчасової роботи або навчального курсу. Він зазвичай офіційний, тому потрібно використовувати відповідний стиль мовлення та вирази.
1. Reason for writing. Причина написання листа.
I am writing with regard to your advertisement
I am writing to apply for the post / job / position of/which I saw advertised in ..., etc. 
2. Qualifications and training. Кваліфікація та пройдене/завершене навчання.
3. Previous experience. Досвід у даній сфері
for the last/past year I have been working as ... since / for... 
I have had experience of... 
Two years ago I was employed as ... 
I worked as ... before ..., etc.
4. Qualities and skills. Особистісні характеристики та навички
able to cope in a crisis
good communication skills
able to work under pressure
sense of humour
5. Closing remarks. Завершення листа
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience 
Please contact me regarding any queries you may have 
I enclose my CV and I would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient to you 
I look forward to hearing from you in due course, etc.
6. Name and Surname. Ім‘я та прізвище

A Letter of Application
A letter of Application

Task 1.
You have decided to spend some time working this summer. You have seen an advertisement in the paper for lifeguards to work for a month on one of the most popular beaches in Sussex. Write a letter asking to be considered for one of the positions.

Task 2.
You have decided to spend some time working this summer. You have seen the following advertisement in the paper. Write a letter asking to be considered the position.

Task 3.
You have decided to spend some time working this summer. You have seen the following advertisement in the paper. Write a letter asking to be considered for the position.

понеділок, 22 лютого 2016 р.

Accepting / Refusing an Invitation

Letters accepting/refusing an invitation can be formal or informal. 

Лист прийняття або відхилення запрошення може бути офіційний або неофіційний. 
In letters accepting an invitation, we begin by expressing thanks for the invitation. Further comments can be included such as asking the person whether there is anything we can do, or asking for more information concerning the invitation.
У листі прийняття запрошення, ми починаємо з подяки за запрошення. Потім, зазвичай задають запитання, чи ми можемо у чомусь допомогти у підготовці, або запитання щодо більш докладної інформації.
1. Thanks for the invitation. Подяка за запрошення
I am writing to thank you for the kind invitation
Thank you for the kind invitation which I would be honoured to accept, etc.
Thanks for the invitation to ...,... sounds lovely ..., etc. 
2. Acceptance of the invitation. Прийняття запрошення
3. Further comments. Подальші коментарі
4. Probable Questions. Запитання, що виникли
5. Closing remarks. Завершення листа
I look forward to seeing you
We await the event with great anticipation, etc.
See you then

We're really looking forward to it, etc.
6. Name / Full Name

In letters refusing an invitation, we begin by expressing thanks for the invitation, and we go on to give reasons why we are unable to accept it.
У листі відхилення запрошення, ми спочатку висловлюємо подяку за запрошення, а потім пояснюємо причини, чому ми не можемо прийняти його.
1. Thanks for the invitation. Подяка за запрошення
We thank you for your recent invitation to ... but etc.            
Thanks for the invitation, but
Thanks for inviting me to ..., but

I'm afraid I can't come, etc.
2. Refusal of the invitation. Відхилення запрошення
3. Giving reasons Пояснення причин
4. Feelings about refusal. Почуття з приводу відхилення запрошення
5. Closing remarks. Завершення листа
I am sorry to miss the opportunity of
Thank you again for the invitation
I hope we will have the opportunity to meet, etc.
I hope we can get together some other time
I'm really sorry we'll have to miss it, etc.
6. Name / Full Name
Informal Letter

Formal Letter
1. Differentiate the style. Choose formal or informal. 
2. Match the beginnings and the endings of the letters

Task 1.
You have received an invitation to a birthday party. Write a letter accepting the invitation and suggesting that you organise the music.
Task 2.
The head of your firm and his wife are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and have invited you to the event. Write a letter thanking them for the invitation and saying why you will be unable to attend.
                                                                                                      Source: Successful Writing

понеділок, 15 лютого 2016 р.

Linking Words for any Type of Writing

Source: Mission 1

A Letter of Invitation

Letters of invitation can be formal or informal depending on the situation and who we are writing to. They usually contain some additional information, for example: latest news, description of the event (party, wedding, etc.) place (hotel, house, etc.) and/or directions to the place.
Лист-запрошення може бути офіційним і неофіційним, залежно від  ситуації і адресанта. У зазначеному типі листів зазвичай міститься додаткова інформація: останні новини, опис події (вечірки, весілля тощо), місця (готель, будинок тощо) та опис шляху до цього місця.
1. Introduction: Reasons for writing the letter. Причина написання листа. 
We would be honoured if you
I cordially invite you to
Your presence would be appreciated at
You are invited to attend, etc.
I'm writing to invite you to ...
I'd love it if you could come to
We're organising a ... and would love it if you could come, etc.
2. Details of the event: what is it devoted to. Деталі заходу: чому він присвячений. 
3. Description of the place. Опис місця проведення.
4. Directions to the place. Опис, як туди дістатись
In case you don't know the way,
I'll give you some directions
I have included some directions
Here are a few directions so you don't get lost
In case you do not know the exact location of the ..., etc.
5. Closing Remarks. Завершення листа
We would be grateful if you could
Please indicate whether you will be able to attend, etc.
I hope you'll be able to make it
Hope you can come
Looking forward to seeing you then
Please let me know as soon as possible, etc.
6. Full Name / Name

SInformal Letter of Invitation
Source: Successful Writing
Task 1.
You are going to celebrate your 18-th birthday at Feride Plaza next Friday. Invite your friend to the party. Don't forget to  explain how to get there from his or her house.

Task 2.

Your class is going to celebrate the 10th anniversary of your graduation at the "Velur". Invite your class mistress. Give her the directions how to get there.