неділя, 21 червня 2020 р.

Essays 5

Task 46

You friend has written  letter to you that he is happy about the State final examination to be abolished. Write your reply in which:
- state your emotions on the fact that you are not expected to take the SFE this year;
- express your beliefs about the efficiency of these exams;
- give a piece of advice on how to stay calm before and during exams

Task 47

You have got a letter from a  Nigerian prince who  is about to die and wants to give you his $1 000 000. Write a response in which:
- express your sympathy about his health state;
- react to the possibility to win the money;
- describe your next steps to win the money

Task 48

Your friend complains of having psychological problems as he spends too much time alone in the room in from of his PC. write a letter to him in which:
- express your reactions to his letter
- give him some pieces  of advice how to avoid feeling lonely while studying online
- share your experience of motivating yourself

Task 49

You have just got a letter from your friend in which he tells about his Chemistry teacher, who always accuses all the students of cheating. Write a respond to him/her in which:
- give him some pieces of advice how to deal with this situation;
- share your experience with the teachers on the same issue;
- express your attitude to cheating

вівторок, 12 травня 2020 р.

Essay 4

Task 40

You friend has written you a letter, in which he/ she complains that his parents don't let him travel to Europe  because of COVID-19. Write a  response to his/ her letter, in which:
- express your feelings about his parents' prohibitions and explain your parents' position on it;
- explain how your travelling has changed since  the lockdown;
- give him/her some tips how to speak to his/her parents in order to change their mind.

Task 41

You are finishing school this year.  You are definitely going to miss something from your school life. Write a letter to your friend in which you:
- state who of the teachers you will miss and why;
- who of the classmates you will miss and why;
- what school activities you will miss and why.

Task 42

As you are a graduate, you can analyse your school life. Write a letter to your friend  in which  you:
- tell him/her  what your expectations of 11 years at school were, when you came to the 1st grade;
- how your impressions changes within 11 years;
- what piece of advise you  would give your friend's young brother, who is going to school for the first time this year.

Task 43

As you are a graduate, you can analyse your school life. Write a letter to your friend  in which  you:
- which  2 school subjects do you consider to be the most essential to be studied at school;
- which 2 school subjects  you would definitely exclude from the school timetable;
-  which subjects you would better add to the school curriculum of the modern children.

Task 44

All people around the world are at the lockdown. Write a letter to your friend in Italy  in which you:
- tell him/her about your daily routine at the lockdown;
- inform him/her what you miss the most;
- share your plans, what 2 things are you will do immediately after the lockdown ends.

Task 45

You have faced a challenge of  distant education. Write a letter to your friend in which you:
- share your impressions of the distant education in general;
- state what was the most  difficult and the most pleasant for you during your distant education;
- express your willingness / unwillingness to continue distant education in the future.