неділя, 21 червня 2020 р.

Essays 5

Task 46

You friend has written  letter to you that he is happy about the State final examination to be abolished. Write your reply in which:
- state your emotions on the fact that you are not expected to take the SFE this year;
- express your beliefs about the efficiency of these exams;
- give a piece of advice on how to stay calm before and during exams

Task 47

You have got a letter from a  Nigerian prince who  is about to die and wants to give you his $1 000 000. Write a response in which:
- express your sympathy about his health state;
- react to the possibility to win the money;
- describe your next steps to win the money

Task 48

Your friend complains of having psychological problems as he spends too much time alone in the room in from of his PC. write a letter to him in which:
- express your reactions to his letter
- give him some pieces  of advice how to avoid feeling lonely while studying online
- share your experience of motivating yourself

Task 49

You have just got a letter from your friend in which he tells about his Chemistry teacher, who always accuses all the students of cheating. Write a respond to him/her in which:
- give him some pieces of advice how to deal with this situation;
- share your experience with the teachers on the same issue;
- express your attitude to cheating

вівторок, 12 травня 2020 р.

Essay 4

Task 40

You friend has written you a letter, in which he/ she complains that his parents don't let him travel to Europe  because of COVID-19. Write a  response to his/ her letter, in which:
- express your feelings about his parents' prohibitions and explain your parents' position on it;
- explain how your travelling has changed since  the lockdown;
- give him/her some tips how to speak to his/her parents in order to change their mind.

Task 41

You are finishing school this year.  You are definitely going to miss something from your school life. Write a letter to your friend in which you:
- state who of the teachers you will miss and why;
- who of the classmates you will miss and why;
- what school activities you will miss and why.

Task 42

As you are a graduate, you can analyse your school life. Write a letter to your friend  in which  you:
- tell him/her  what your expectations of 11 years at school were, when you came to the 1st grade;
- how your impressions changes within 11 years;
- what piece of advise you  would give your friend's young brother, who is going to school for the first time this year.

Task 43

As you are a graduate, you can analyse your school life. Write a letter to your friend  in which  you:
- which  2 school subjects do you consider to be the most essential to be studied at school;
- which 2 school subjects  you would definitely exclude from the school timetable;
-  which subjects you would better add to the school curriculum of the modern children.

Task 44

All people around the world are at the lockdown. Write a letter to your friend in Italy  in which you:
- tell him/her about your daily routine at the lockdown;
- inform him/her what you miss the most;
- share your plans, what 2 things are you will do immediately after the lockdown ends.

Task 45

You have faced a challenge of  distant education. Write a letter to your friend in which you:
- share your impressions of the distant education in general;
- state what was the most  difficult and the most pleasant for you during your distant education;
- express your willingness / unwillingness to continue distant education in the future.

субота, 4 червня 2016 р.

Writing tasks 3

Task 8
You are planning to visit your friend Robin in Canada. Robin has written to you. Read Robin’s letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Robin, using ALL your notes.
Task 9
Your English-speaking friend Sam is an art student and has written to you with a request. Read Sam's e-mail and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Sam, using ALL your notes.
Task 10
A group of British students would like to go camping in your area. Your group leader has asked you to write a letter to the British Group Leader including the following information:
the best place to camp in your area, and why
the best time of year for camping there
what clothes the group members should bring with them.

Task 11
Here is part of a letter you have received from an English-speaking friend.
I'm doing a project at college about how people use the internet these days. I know you enjoy using the internet more than I do so I hope you can help! What's your favourite website? How has the internet changed the way you do things? Do you think your parents should control the time you spend online? How
Do write soon.
Write to your friend giving your opinion. Write your letter.

Task 12
You recently received an email from your English-speaking friend, Pat, inviting you to stay and asking you to a special party. Read Pat's email and the notes you have made. Then write an email to Pat, using ALL your notes.
Task 13
An international organisation wants to hold a festival in your region to promote food from around the world. You have been asked to write an official letter to the head of the organisation.
Write about
the food specialities in your region
where local people enjoy going out to eat
in what ways you think people's eating habits have changed in the last ten years.

Task 14
Ben, an English-speaking friend of yours who makes films for a TV company, has written to you. Read Ben's letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Ben, using all your notes.

Task 15
You are helping to organise a visit to a college in an English-speaking country for a group of students. You have received a letter from Michael Slater, the College Director. Read the letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Mr Slater using all your notes.

Task 16
Your English friend, Peter, has sent you an email asking you to help him organise a special surprise birthday party for his sister, Anna. Read Peter's email and the notes you have made. Then write an email to Peter using all your notes.

Task 17
You have seen this advertisement for a job in the USA in an international magazine.
If you can speak English and you are cheerful, energetic and hardworking, you are the right person for us. Food and accommodation are provided. You just pay the air fare. You will         
look after children aged 8 -12
help organise sports and evening activities
work in the kitchens
Write to the director, Mrs Connor, and explain why you would be a suitable person for the job. Write your application.
Task 18
You are studying in Britain and you have recently received a letter from an English friend, Kate, who is interested in arranging a day trip for a group of students. Read Kate's letter, the advertisement and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Kate, using all your notes.

Task 19
An English language club is starting in your area. The organisers of the club have asked you to write a letter giving your suggestions about:
how often the ciub should meet
what type of activities it should organise
! how the club could be advertised.
Task 20
You have received this letter from your English-speaking friend, Alex. Read the letter and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Alex, using all your notes.

субота, 28 травня 2016 р.

Writing tasks 2

Task 5
You have got a letter from your friend in which he complains that his parents don't let  him go to the parties. they say he is not old enough to spend time in the youth clubs. He would like to go to the discos and spend more time with his friends. 
In your letter:
— say you are sorry to hear about his/her problem;
— share your experience of your relations with the parents on the issue;
— give a piece of advice and suggestions.

Task 6
You have seen a website for the apartments for rent in the Carpathians. At the last minute you and your cousin have decided you would like to go. Look at the advertisement and write an email to the owner of the apartments.
In your letter:
— inform him or her when you would like to come;
— ask about  tour excursions;
— ask about entertaining centres on the sea coast.

Task 7
You have just returned from the trip around Europe. Write a letter tou your friend to share your emotions.
In your letter:
— include the information about the trip: what places you visited, how you got there, who you went with;
— what your impressions of the journey are;
— invite him to go with you next time

четвер, 5 травня 2016 р.

Writing Tasks

+ Task 1
You have received a letter from your English pen friend Dan who writes:
...I know that the climate is not the same in different parts of your big country. As we have agreed I'll be visiting you at the end of May. 
What is the weather like in May in the place you live? 
I'd like to know what clothes to bring with me. 
By the way, what season do you like best and why?...
Write a letter to Dan and answer his questions. 

+ Task 2
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Colin who writes:
... We are doing a project on Christmas celebrations in different countries, so I'd like to ask you some questions about this holiday. 
Do you usually have a Christmas tree at home and how do you decorate it? 
What presents are the most popular with teenagers? Where are Christmas presents put?
Do children write letters to Santa Claus? 

Write a letter to Colin. In your letter  answer his questions  ask 3 questions about his orchestra tour

+ Task 3
You have received a letter from your English pen friend Jane who writes:
...So you see that I enjoy films based on true historic facts.
What kinds of films do you like watching? 
Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home? Why? 
Do you agree that it is better to read a book before watching the film based on it? Why or why not?
Write a letter to Jane and answer her questions. 

+ Task 4
You have received a letter from your English pen friend Alan who writes:
... Our school orchestra gave a concert to parents last week and was a success. I took part in it too as I play the drum, you know. 
Do you play any musical instruments? 
What kind of music do you like and why? 
&  What is your favourite group or singer? Why do you like them?..
Write a letter to Alan and answer his questions. 

понеділок, 25 квітня 2016 р.

Argumentative writing

One type of argumentative essay is that which gives advantages and disadvantages (For and Against). It is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from opposing points of view.
Paragraph 1. An introductory paragraph in which you state the topic. This means that you talk generally about the topic without giving your opinion;
Ú Useful phrases to introduce points: one major advantage/disadvantage of, a further advantage, one point of view in favour of/against
Note 1: In this type of essay writing, you must not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc.) in the introduction or the main body. Opinion words can only be used in the final paragraph, where you may state your opinion on the topic.
The first paragraph may:
? make reference to a strange scene or situation, e.g. Some scientists believe that in the future everyone will be genetically perfect.
? address the reader directly, e.g. Are you aware of any characteristics which you may have inherited from your parents? 
or ask a rhetorical question (question to which no answer is expected), e.g. Isn’t it amazing how some children look so much like their parents?
start with a quotation, e.g. “Genetics holds the key to the future"
Paragraphs 2-4. A main body in which the points for and the points against, along with your justification, appear in two separate paragraphs;
% Note 2: In paragraph 2  give the  points which are opposite to yours.  In paragraphs 3-4  give  the points of view which  you support. All the points should be supported by a justification or illustration.
Do the  exercises  in order to understand it better. 
1. For and against
2. Quotations

Ú To list points: in the first place, first of all, to start with, secondly, thirdly, finally, last but not least
Ú To add more points to the same topic: what is more, furthermore, also, in addition to this/that, besides, apart from this/that, not to mention the fact that 
Ú To make contrasting points: on the other hand, however, in spite of, while, nevertheless, despite, even though, although, it can be argued that 
Ú To introduce examples: for example, for instance, like, especially, such as, in particular
Paragraph 5. A closing paragraph in which you give either your opinion or a balanced consideration of the topic.
Ú To conclude: to sum up, all in all, all things considered, in conclusion, on the whole, taking everything into account, as was previously stated.
The last paragraph may:
? state a personal opinion, e.g. In my opinion, I believe, In my view, It seems to me, The way I see it, I think, etc.
give the reader something to consider, e.g. Perhaps the world would be a safer and more efficient place if everyone was genetically perfect
end with a quotation, e.g. “Genetics holds the key to the future"
or a rhetorical question, e.g. What will they think of next?

A proper "For and Against  Essay"

An improper "For and Against  Essay"

Task 1. 
Your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving arguments for and against owning a mobile phone.
Task 2.
You have been asked to write a composition on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.

неділя, 13 березня 2016 р.

Writing an e-mail

Let's watch a video first
To learn how to write a business email, remember the following: Business emails are generally less formal than business letters. Business emails written to colleagues are generally direct and ask for specific actions to be taken. It's important to keep your business emails short, as the easier it is to reply to an email the more likely it is that a business contact will reply quickly. 

Here are some tips:
Use a neutral Email address. Your Email address should be a variation of your real name, not a username or nickname. Use periods, hyphens, or underscores to secure an e-mail address that's just your name, without extra numbers or letters, if you can. Never use an unprofessional email address. No one will take you seriously if your reply-to is joke name or inappropriate name.

Use a short and accurate subject header. Avoid saying too much in the subject header, but make sure it reflects the content of your Email to a person unfamiliar with you. If possible, include a keyword that will make the Email content easier to remember and/or search for in a crowded inbox. For example, “Meeting on March 12th” is specific enough that the email topic won’t be mistaken for anything else but not so specific as to be distracting (ex. “Schedule, Guest List, Lunch Requests, and Meeting Overview for March 12th").

Use a proper salutation. Addressing the recipient by name is preferred. Use the person's title (Mr. Mrs. Ms. or Dr.) with their last name, followed by a comma or a colon. Optionally, you can precede the salutation with "Dear..." (but "Hello..." is acceptable as well). Using a last name is more formal and should be used unless you are on first-name terms with the recipient. If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to (but you really should try to find one) use "Dear Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sir or Madam" followed by a colon.

Introduce yourself in the first paragraph (if necessary). Also include why you're writing, and how you found that person's Email address, or the opportunity you're writing about. For example: 
  • My name is Earl Rivers. I'm contacting you to apply for the administrative assistant position listed on CareerXYZ.com.
  • My name is Arlene Rivers. I am writing about the traffic citation I received on December 31, 2009. I obtained your Email address from the Westchester County Clerk website.

Write the actual message. Be sure to get your point across without rambling; if it's fluffed up, the reader may glance over the important details. Try to break up the message into paragraphs by topic to make your message more logical and digestible.
  • The email should be no more than 5 paragraphs long and each paragraph should be no more than 5 sentences long.
  • Insert a line break between each paragraph; indenting isn't necessary and will likely be lost during the email transfer anyway.
  • Be sure to avoid informal writing.

Use the correct form of leave-taking. This will depend on your level of intimacy with the recipient. Examples include:
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours cordially,
  • Respectfully,
  • Best,
  • Your student,

Sign with your full name. If you have a job title, include that in the line after your name, and write the company name or website in the line after that. If you do not have a job title but you have your own blog or website related to the content of the e-mail, include a link to that below your name. If the e-mail is about a job, only include a career-related website or blog, not hobbies or interests.

Proofread your message for content. Make sure you haven’t omitted any important details (or repeated yourself). Reading your email aloud or asking someone to proofread it is a great way to get a different perspective on what you’ve written.

Proofread your message for spelling and grammar. If your email provider doesn’t already provide spelling and grammar options for you, copy and paste your email into a word processor, revise it if necessary, and copy and paste it back into your email.

Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Formal-Email

An Example of a Formal E-mail
Task 1.
You are supposed to hand in a project for your biology class by the end of the week. However, your brother is getting married in Kyiv at the same time and the entire family is travelling there fore the occasion. Write an e-mail to your teacher. In your letter:
— explain the situation;
— remind the teacher of your fine academic record;
— ask for an extension of the due date.